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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2. Verse 54-72.

Jene Divya Stavo vade stavi rahya, suryagni va vadla

Jena Mantra puran shastra bhajano, Gaye rishi vyakula

Yogi dhyana dharee ja samyam kari, Jeni kare Zankhana

Jeno para na koyee lahi shakya, te devane vandana

Arjun Bolya:

Samadhiman Sthita Pragna, Janavo Kem Keshava? Bole, Rahe, phare Kema, Muni Je Sthir Buddhino? (1)

Shree Bhagwan Bolya:

Mananee Kamana Sarve, Chhodine Aatmama ja Je;

Rahe Santushata Atmathi, Te Sthitapragna Janavo. (2)

Dukhe Udwega Na Chitte, Sukhoni Zankhana Gayi;

Gaya Raga Bhaya Krodha, Muni Te Sthira Buddhino. (3)

Aasakta Nahin Je Kyanya, Malye Kaee Shubha Shubha;

Na Kare Harsha Ke Dwesha, Tenee Pragna Thayi Sthira.(4)

Kachabo Jem Angone, Tema Je Vishayo Thakee;

Sankele Indriyo purna, Tenee Pragna Thayi Sthira.(5)

Niraharee Sharireena, Tale Chhe Vishayo Chhatam;

Rasa Rahee Jato Teman, Te Tale Pekhatam Param. (6)

Prayatnama Rahe Toye, Shana Ye Narana Hare;

Mana Ne Indriyo Masta, Vegathee Vishyo Bhani. (7)

Yogathee Te Vashe Rakhi, Rahevun Mat Parayana;

Indriyo Sayame Jenee, Tenee Pragna Thayi Sthira.(8)

Vishayonu Rahe Dhyana, Temam Aasakti Oopaje;

Janme Aasaktithi Kama, Kamthee Krodha Neepaje.(9)

Krodhathee Moodhata Aave, Moodhata Smrutine Hare;

Smruti Lope Buddhi Nasha, Buddhi Nashe Vinasha chhe.(10)

Raga ne Dwesha chhootelee, Indriyo Vishayo Grahe;

Vashendriya Sthiratma Je, Te Pame Chhe Prasannata. (11)

Pamyo Prasannata Tena, Dukho Sau Nasha Pamata;

Pamyo Prasannata Teni, Buddhi Sheedhra bane Sthira.(12)

Ayogeene Nathee Buddhi, Ayogeene Na Bhavana;

Na Bhava Hinane Shanti, Sukha Kyanthee Ashantane.(13)

Indriyo Vishaye Dode, Te Pumthe Je Vahe Mana;

Deheenee Te Hare Buddhi, Jem Va Navane Jale.(14)

Tethee Jene Badhee Reete, Rakshelee Vishayo Thakee;

Indriyo Nigrahe Rakhee, Tenee Pragna Thayi Sthira.(15)

Nisha Je Sarva Bhootoni, Teman Jagrat Sanyami;

Jeman Jage Badha Bhooto, Te Gnani Muninee Nisha.(16)

Sada Bharata Achala Pratishtha, Samudramam Neer Badham Praveshe;

Jeman Praveshe Sahu Kama Tema, Te Shanti Pame Nahin Kama Kamee.(17)

Chhodeene Kamana Serve, Phare Je Nur Nishpruha;

Aahanta Mamata Mookee, Te Pame Shanti Bharat.(18)

Aa Chhe Brahma Dasha Ene, Pamye Na Mohamam pade;

Anta Kaleya Te Rakhee, Brahma Nirvan Melave. (19)


Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2. Verse 54-72.

Arjuna said: O Keshava (Krishna), what are the characteristics of that person who is perfectly situated in divine wisdom and fully absorbed in pure spiritual consciousness (samÄdhi)? How does he speak? How does he sit? How does he walk? (1)

Bhagavan Shri Krishna said: O Partha, When the living being abandons all material desires that enter the mind and becomes self-satisfied within, then that person is said to be situated in divine knowledge. (2)

One whose mind remains undisturbed by distress, who has no desire for pleasure, who is free from mundane attachment, fear and anger, is a sage of steady mind. (3)

One who is unattached to anything in this world and who does not become joyful or resentful on attaining good or evil, is firmly established in wisdom. (4)

When one is able to withdraw the senses from sense objects, just as a tortoise withdraws its limbs, then he is firmly established in wisdom. (5)

An embodied living being may renounce sense-objects, but the taste for enjoying them remains. However, this too also ceases for one who realizes the Supreme. (6)

Yet the turbulent senses can forcibly steal the mind of even a wise man of sound judgment, O son of Kunti. (7)

Restraining all the senses, a self-controlled person should fix his mind upon Me. Thus he becomes firmly situated in divine knowledge. (8)

By meditating upon sense-objects, one becomes attached to them. From attachment desire appears and from desire anger manifests. (9)

Delusion manifests from anger. Delusion causes bewilderment of memory. Bewilderment of memory causes loss of intelligence and when intelligence is lost, one is destroyed. (10)

However, one who can control his mind and senses, and is free from both attachment and repulsion, even while in the midst of sense-objects, attains divine grace. (11)

When one attains divine grace, all miseries cease. Certainly, such a person who achieves a tranquil mind develops divine wisdom. (12)

One who is bereft of self-control cannot attain wisdom. Without wisdom one can never meditate. One who cannot meditate cannot achieve peace, and without peace how can one attain happiness? (13)

Whichever sense the wandering mind becomes absorbed in, that sense carries away the intelligence, just as a ship at sea is swept away by a strong wind. (14)

Therefore, O mighty armed Arjuna, one whose senses are fully withdrawn from the sense-objects is firmly established in divine wisdom. (15)

That which is day for the self-controlled sage is night for all living beings, and that which is day for all living beings is night for the introspective sage. (16)

Such a sage who is steadfast in facing the constant flow of desires and who does not strive to satisfy them achieves peace. He remains unaffected, just as the ocean remains calm as rivers enter into it. (17)

Only one who abandons all desire for sense-indulgence, who lives free from possessiveness and is free of false ego can attain peace. (18)

O Partha, having attained realization of the Absolute Truth one is never bewildered. If one is situated in this state at the time of death, one attains brahma-nirvanam, the abode of pure consciousness, and all suffering ceases. (19)
